Spots and Chuck
dictated by
Rebekah Hedges
(age 7)
They go to Chuck's house. They walk into Chuck's house. They walk into the laundry room. Spots looks up and sees two towels, all dried and clean. And Chuck goes and takes those towels down from the rack. And then, Chuck and Spots put the towels on themselves and dried themselves clean.
Then, Chuck said, "I have a great idea! Spots, follow me! Let's go to the ice cream shop and we can buy some ice cream! You can have strawberry and I'll have vanilla."
Spots said, "I don't like strawberry, can I please have chocolate?"
Chuck says, "I always have chocolate, so I'll choose to have mint with pieces of chocolate in it." So, they go to the shop and have ice cream and pizza. "
Let's meet together to take a hike tomorrow!" says Chuck.
"Okay, have a good night, Chuck!" says Spots.
And the two very good friends, Chuck and Spots went to their homes and get ready for their big adventure tomorrow by getting a good night's sleep!
The End.
If you are between the ages of 4-14,(or know someone who likes to write stories)I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. For more information, go to Pet Parade. I'd love to read your story!
What a delightful story, Rebekah!
I like dogs and chicks.
Good job!
Keep writing!
What a great story, Rebekah. You gave Chuck and Spots such a fun day. I hope you write more stories about them.
Chuck the Chick - Love that name! Very good story! Are you going to tell us what they do on their next big adventure?
Great story, Rebekah! Thank you for joining POlliwog Pages. I'm looking forward to reading more of your stories. Keep writing!
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