The Love Story that Was Never Lived
By Abigail M. Degnan
(age 14)
I roam around the streets of France late at night, hoping to see Nicholas. I know I shouldn't be out this late especially since the French Revolution started.
I find Nicholas where he would usually be - at the barricade. I see Nicholas, and he sees me.
I've been in love with Nicholas ever since the first day I met him. If only he could love me. He's met a bunch of pretty, rich, French girls, and he had the pick of any girl,but he rejected all of them. If he rejected the rich girls, why would he love me? I'm not rich. I can't say I'm pretty - that would be vain.
He runs to me. “Lorraine! What are you doing here? I told you its not safe here for you.”
We've been great friends, although our friendship hasn't turned into love - only it has for me.
"It's just as unsafe as it is for me as it is for you,Nicholas.” I tell him.
“But your're a lady. Ladies aren't supposed to be at the barricade.”
“Well, I'm different,” I say.
He smiles. If only that smile could tell me if he loves me.
There are a bunch of boys around Nicholas's age and mine. They all know me as Lorraine. That’s who I am. Lorraine. No one else.
“Hi ya, Lorraine!” they say to me.
There are ammo and guns. People have given up most of their tables,chairs, and furniture for the barricade. There are still tiny puddles of blood from the first attack. The English attacked and many boys died. Then some of the boys went back home after surviving the first attack.* Nicholas has always stayed. He's brave, and handsome, and strong, and well. . . . everything.
“Lorraine, be safe at home, please,” Nicholas says.
I do want to please him, yet I want to show how brave I am too.
“Alright.” I say regretfully.
I go home. I live alone in a little house. It's not the best, but to me, it's home. I lay in bed thinking about Nicholas. My love for him grows stronger every day. I should give up because he doesn't love me.
The next day, Nicholas is talking to the pretty rich girl,who is also in love with Nicholas. She's someone who said that I have no chance with him.
Nicholas really isn't paying much attention to her, but she is to him. Whatever the girl says, Nicholas just nods his head. I go over to them
“Hello,” The girl says with a displeased voice.
Nicholas says, “This is Lorraine. Lorraine,this is Annette.”
“Hello.” I try to sound happy.
If only I could tell Nicholas how I felt about him, then Annette would leave him alone, even though he doesn't love me. That might just draw Annette closer. Soon Annette leaves batting her eyes behind her.
Sebastian yells out, “Its the English, Nicholas!!”
Nicholas and all the boys prepare their guns.
“Go home, Lorraine.” Nicholas tells me.
I don't reply.
He goes to the stack of furniture, puts his gun is a good position, and gets ready to shoot.
I go closer to the barricade, not leaving even though I am scared to death. Guns blow and boys are knocked down dead, leaving a trail of blood flowing down the barricade. An Englishman is coming to our side and Nicholas doesn't notice it. A gun blows and Sebastian drops dead.
“Sebastian!” Nicholas yells. He goes down the barricade. Some boys help him bring Sebastian to the side with other bodies.
While Nicholas is distracted, an Englishman comes closer. He is about to shoot Nicholas.
“Nicholas!” I yell. I run to Nicholas and put myself in front of him.
The Englishman's gun blows and shoots me. Pain fills me - not only physically, but also emotionally. Before I drop, Nicholas holds me and brings me gently to the ground with a tear coming down his face.
“Lorraine.” He says sniffling. “Everything will be alright, Lorraine. Don't you worry.”
“Nicholas, we both know how this will end.” I suppose its now or never to tell him how I feel about him. “Nicholas, ever since I first met you I have loved you, even though I know that you have never loved me.”
"What are you talking about? I have always loved you. It thought you never loved me.” he says breathlessly.
With my last breaths in and out, I keep talking .
“But you had a choice of all of those girls. Why would you love me if you don't even love the pretty girls?”
“I didn't pick them because I love you.”
Why must my life end like this? I cry my heart out, and tears fall down Nicholas's face too
“I love you, Nicholas. I always will. Your life is worth more than mine.”
“No it's not. You will be alright. We will be together forever.”
“We will always be together.” Then I slowly move my hand to his cheek, and he holds it there. "Goodbye.”
My eyes shut and my heart stops, and the last thing I see is my dear Nicholas's tear-stained face.
My name is Lorraine Deller. I was born 1778 and died 1794. This was a love story - a love story that was never finished. My love story. . . . that was never lived.
(original and unedited)
If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!
Wiggles the Polliwog
1 comment:
What a sad, sad story! Thank you for sharing:)
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