In a Moment

Congratulations, Abby Degnan, for completing the
(This is the final exercise - Autobiography)

Abby Degnan
(age 14)

     In 2012, on a rainy April day, I learned that God is always with me and will protect me in every time of need.

    My mother, five of my siblings, and I were returning from a dentist appointment. I had my head phones on and was looking out the window at the droplets of rain that were coming down it. I was listening to Owl City and rather bored from the car ride.

     My brother Sean was listening to music also, and everyone else was watching a movie while my mom drove. 

     All the sudden,I heard my mom yell, "Oh my goodness! What is he doing?"

    There was a big jerk and a loud sound of shattering glass as my head banged against the seat in front of me.  The windows cracked and smoke came from the front of the car.  My mom got out and yelled at the other driver, "I have six children in the car!"

      The guy in the other car had ignored a stop sign and pulled out, making us crash into him.

Then after  the shock of the accident, I realized my mouth was pouring blood, I started to feel pain and cried. My little brother Trevor's mouth was bleeding also. We all got out into the rain and a lady that lived in a purple and white house  nearby came out to help. 

      It was cold and the lady  put a blanket around me and gave me an umbrella . Lots of people were pulling over and calling ambulances. 

      Katya, my sister, hurt her back, my mom was burned, and Trevor's baby tooth ripped right through his lip. My two other older brothers, Liam and Sean, weren't even wearing seat belts, yet they came out completely fine along with my big sister, Erin. 

     By the time the ambulance came, I was going into a seizure, which is when your can't control your body from moving crazily like a baby, not being able to have contact with anyone,and being in a lot of pain. Sometimes, you could even lose your memory of the day. The after effects of a seizure are crying and not being able to move.

      One of the doctor's tried to calm me down by asking me questions. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

     As the blood was collecting in my mouth more and more I said,  "Abby." 

     He continued asking me questions and making jokes until a stretcher came. My seizure was able to be controlled and reversed after I was put on oxygen and many people helping me calm down.  It was my second time being in an ambulance. The first time was when I had my first seizure when I was four or five.

     When we got to the hospital, they found that four of my adult teeth were knocked loose. They thought that they might have to pull them, but, they decided to wait to see what my dentist wanted to do. The doctors put a splint in my mouth to help my teeth until I could see the dentist. 

     We were finally returning home at 10:30 that night. I was in such shock from the day that I could hardly remember anything that happened except the fact that we had just gotten in a car accident. After seeing the dentist three or four times a month for a year, the dentist was able to save my teeth.
     I thanked God that he protected my family during this time,and that we were all safe.

(guided editing through Polliwog Pages Writing Lessons)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
 I would like to post your story here.
 Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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