"The Wrath of Cloud"

(photo by Mid Pix)

The Wrath of a Cloud
Zachoia Cooper
(age 14)

The day starts new with just a hint
Of a dreary day, with just a tint
of gray
The day progresses, clouds start to creep
Takes unaware the sun, that sleeps 
Northward a dark cloud is observed
After a bright sky it seems absurd
That it would rain
But very soon the sky is dark
The cloud makes a smug remark
I’m stealthy
Then boom, bang, pitter-patter,crash 
The sky dumps water, people dash
For shelter
The water level seems extreme
The road is now a raging stream
The scene becomes a massive blur
Not a living creature stirs
They’re hiding
From the mighty rain, powerful, strong
The mighty rain, now almost gone
Just a drizzle
The sun wakes up and gets clue
That everything is left askew
When he is lazy
He chases away the mighty cloud 
Everything shimmers, he is proud
Of the beauty
The cloud has given the earth a bath
So it would not forget his wrath

(Original and Unedited)

If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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