The Surprising Visitor

The Surprising Visitor
Evelyn Webber
 (age 4)

                                            Once upon a time, there was a princess and a king. 

                                            They were sitting a long time waiting for a meeting.

                                            Then they saw a hand poking through the door, 
                                                                and they heard a ROAR!

                                           Abby said, "Hello, my name is Abby. This is my pet lion."

The End

(dictated to her mother)

If you are between the ages of 4-18, (or know someone who likes to write stories) I would like to post your story here. Send me an email. I'd love to read your story! Signed,
Wiggles the Polliwog


Evelyn and Lydia said...

Thanks for posting my story, Grammy! Love, Evelyn

Yvonne Blake said...

You're welcome, Evelyn. Keep making stories. It's a great way to make life interesting.
