Jadon the Penguin

Jadon the Penguin
Jadon Dodge 
(age 7)

Jadon the penguin was playing on the ice and he was playing in the water. He went too far and got lost and he found a friend. His friend's name was Elias. His friend Elias was another penguin. They swam and swam. 

Then they got chased by a polar bear. They got in the water and swam as fast as they could away from the polar bear. They were happy that they didn't get eaten. 

Then they met up with a whale and they made friends with the whale. The whale told them which way they needed to go to get back to their moms. The whale said good bye. They waved goodbye and swam away toward their home. 

Then a Leopard seal chased them. They jumped onto some ice the leopard seal followed them. They went around and around then leopard seal gave up and they swam back home. 

They found their moms and were happy. And they told their moms what they saw and they told their moms what they were chased by. And they lived happily ever after.            

The End


If you are between the ages of 4-18,
(or know someone who likes to write stories)
I would like to post your story here.
Send me an email. I'd love to read your story!

Wiggles the Polliwog

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